Unleash your creativity.
Being an artist or an otherwise creative person is a constant challenge. There are forces that conspire to block, hold back, and impede your creativity. We give them various names. Writer’s block, ennui, The Resistance. We read about them in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield, and On Writing by Steven King.
52 Sketches is dedicated to creating tools to do something about it. We create things that help artists and creative people unlock their creativity, generate flow states, create, and live the lives of creative people.
The 52 Sketches podcast
Host Robin Head interviews performing artists and other creatives who discuss their journeys and the daily practice(s) that nourish their creative lives.
Every person is different and so is every artist. The art is different, as is the vision of success. But musicians, writers, actors, comedians, and dancers all have a path they took and a practice they maintain. Exploring what works for them can help us all find what works best in our own creative lives.

EarlyWords is a tool for daily journaling in the style of Morning Pages espoused by Julia Cameron.
Private, stream-of-concious journaling allows us to practice setting the resistance aside and allowing ourselves the freedom to make our thoughts manifest. With this daily practice we banish the inner critic and become freer, more prolific, and more truthful in our work.